Saturday 1 August 2015

Latin Dance Costume- What's HOT What's NOT- Continue

Beads And Penny Sequins Latin Dress

Latin dresses decorated with large penny sequins or made out a sequined fabric have become very popular recently. Such Latin dresses style require little stoning and sparkle great on the dance floor.

The Prefect Little Black Latin Dress

Among the abundance of colours, texture and patterns present on the dance floor a black Latin dress may unexpectedly looks very refreshing. Black dress is classy, elegant and sexy. It also a great choice for every lady.

Fur And Feathers

Once extensively used in standard grown, feathers will left out for awhile and come back in Latin dancewear. Designers used both boa and individual feathers to decorate the Latin dresses. Latin costume adorned with feathers looks very chic and classy through adding some extra headache to its owner when it comes to clean the dress.

By Felicia

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