Thursday 30 July 2015

More About Hairstyle- Continue

Make Sure Every Part Of Your Style Was Clear And Distinct

4. Make every part razor sharp

  • Any part in your hair need to be clean, clear and sharp. To do this, you need a very fine tooth comb and may need to part your hair a few times to get it clean and clear.
  • Never cheat, ever if you think that part will not be seen because of an ornament or another layer of your hair. People sense and see more than you think.
  • Zig- zag part or wavy lines part were difficult to get as clean as they need to be, so they are generally best left to a pro.
5. Consider clip- in extensions for narrow swirls

  • For narrow swirls, 1 option was to get clip- in- hair extensions. They can come pre-styled or even pre- stoned. 
  • For more flexibility, you can get them straight and un- styled at a hairdresser supply store, and style them after clipping 1 or several into your hair. If you do this, spray the extension with hair spray or used setting lotion until it was wet, then shape it and pin it with hair pins that are the same colour as your hair.
  • The advantage of extensions was that you can buy or cut them into any length, so you are not limited to the length of your own hair. You can also get them in highlighting or constrasting hair colours to add some interest. 
6. Use a hair net to help you make big shapes and knot buns

  • For big shapes and knot buns, you can use your own hair or add extension for more volume. To make big section of hair easier to work, put a thin hair net around that pony- tailed section. 
  • The key was to have a hair net big enough to allow the section to say as a pony- tail. You can then wrap your hair into a knot buns with clearly defined lines rather than a having a plain round bun or you can make a big shape. 
  • If you used a lot of hair spray or setting lotion you can create a same effect without the hair net, but it will be a little bit harder to keep a lots of hair together and clearly defined. 

7. Be extremely precise when making small waves

  • Small waves was very popular now and give a nice particular feel for smooth Dancers.
  • For this setting lotion works best as you can shape your waves more easily than with hair spray or gel. The hair should be wet with the lotion, shaped with a comb and fingers, pinned in place and the secured with hair spray when dry. 
  • If you have more skill and less time, a curling iron and hair spray also can work. Either way, watch few how- to videos and experiments first or leave this to a pro. Waves may give a soft look buy have to be very precise or they will look very messy. 
To Be Continue....

By Felicia

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