Friday 31 July 2015

About Latin Ballroom Dance Shoes

There are many brands of Latin Ballroom Dance Shoes that we can know about that but......we must know about this kind of Latin Shoes will differentiate into few groups, that was....


These shoes are made of cheap materials, the bottom will be worn away very quickly and they properly wont fit your foot very well. If you are unsure if you want to continue dancing and you don't want dance in socks, buy this kind of shoes. It isn't worth spending money on more expensive shoes if you are unsure. However, if you plan continue dancing, invest in more expensive, higher quality of shoes, they will last much, much longer and feel better.


These shoes are great for beginners. They are an investment, but they will last few years at least. They are practical, comfortable, and durable, and a beginning dancer properly won't be able to tell the difference between the feel of a pair of these and that of higher end shoes.



These shoes will work well for more serious dancers. They are designed more carefully, making sure to keep your feet looking and feeling their best during competition and practice. These shoes may also have extra padding in the shoes itself to be easier on your foot over time.


These shoes are very well designed and extremely functional. Some of the most popular competitive dance shoes brands reside at this level. They are less expensive than the Ultra Expensive Dance Shoes, because they don't offer as much customization and aren't made of as expensive materials. But make no mistake- these shoes are so amazing. Even the highest level professional dancers wear these shoes.


These shoes are the best of the best. They cost more than all the others brands, because of their fine attentions to detail. Each pair at this price range is often custom made to the specifications of the purchaser, allowing for prefect customization of length, width, arch size etc. These shoes are made to fit like a dream and offer the very best in every way they can. You may even find that some shoes, designed for showdances, are made out of exotic materials, like suede or python leather.

By Felicia

More About Latin Ballroom Dance Hairstyle- Continue

Hair Hints

8. Shine is a MUST

  • A lots of shine comes from the all the hairspray that is used. For the level of shine and the staying power you need, you really need to soak your hair. 
  • Many brands of hairspray also comes in versions that add extra shine. These are good too, but make sure it is a strong hold or freeze hold version, otherwise stay with regular strong or freeze hold hairspray and you will still be fine.
9. Keep your hair jewelry away from hairspray

  • As much as possible, add jewellery last and after you have sprayed all that you need to. 
  • Hairspray will make the jewelry dull over time and may weaken the backing of some types of hair jewelry. For the same reason it is also good to protect your costume from hairspray. 
10. Protect your hair when you wash out all the hairspray and glue

  • You will used hairspray and may used white school glue or eyelash glue to secure jewelry or sections of hair. To prevent breakage from all the stiffness when you shampoo, make sure you run many of the warm water over your hair before you touch it too much when you shampoo. If your hair extremely stiff, use the conditioner to soften your hair, then shampoo. 

By Felicia

Thursday 30 July 2015

Latin Ballroom Dance Competitions

KK In 2009 Ohio Star Ball

Kamil and Katya made the vice- Champion in 2009 Ohio Star Ball Competition in Professional Rising Star Latin

World Champion Tatsiana Lahvinovich and her partner Zoran Plohl, both of Solvenia, complete during the Professional Latin Dance World Championship in Leipzig, Central Germany, on November 3, 2012.

Richard Lifshitz and Morgana Lakatos- Hayward seen dancing and be Champion in Blackpool, England at the Jr Championships on April 2012.

By Felicia

More About Hairstyle- Continue

Make Sure Every Part Of Your Style Was Clear And Distinct

4. Make every part razor sharp

  • Any part in your hair need to be clean, clear and sharp. To do this, you need a very fine tooth comb and may need to part your hair a few times to get it clean and clear.
  • Never cheat, ever if you think that part will not be seen because of an ornament or another layer of your hair. People sense and see more than you think.
  • Zig- zag part or wavy lines part were difficult to get as clean as they need to be, so they are generally best left to a pro.
5. Consider clip- in extensions for narrow swirls

  • For narrow swirls, 1 option was to get clip- in- hair extensions. They can come pre-styled or even pre- stoned. 
  • For more flexibility, you can get them straight and un- styled at a hairdresser supply store, and style them after clipping 1 or several into your hair. If you do this, spray the extension with hair spray or used setting lotion until it was wet, then shape it and pin it with hair pins that are the same colour as your hair.
  • The advantage of extensions was that you can buy or cut them into any length, so you are not limited to the length of your own hair. You can also get them in highlighting or constrasting hair colours to add some interest. 
6. Use a hair net to help you make big shapes and knot buns

  • For big shapes and knot buns, you can use your own hair or add extension for more volume. To make big section of hair easier to work, put a thin hair net around that pony- tailed section. 
  • The key was to have a hair net big enough to allow the section to say as a pony- tail. You can then wrap your hair into a knot buns with clearly defined lines rather than a having a plain round bun or you can make a big shape. 
  • If you used a lot of hair spray or setting lotion you can create a same effect without the hair net, but it will be a little bit harder to keep a lots of hair together and clearly defined. 

7. Be extremely precise when making small waves

  • Small waves was very popular now and give a nice particular feel for smooth Dancers.
  • For this setting lotion works best as you can shape your waves more easily than with hair spray or gel. The hair should be wet with the lotion, shaped with a comb and fingers, pinned in place and the secured with hair spray when dry. 
  • If you have more skill and less time, a curling iron and hair spray also can work. Either way, watch few how- to videos and experiments first or leave this to a pro. Waves may give a soft look buy have to be very precise or they will look very messy. 
To Be Continue....

By Felicia

Wednesday 29 July 2015

More About Hairstyle

10 Things You Need To Know About Latin Ballroom Dance Hairstyles

Different Types Of Latin Ballroom Dance Hairstyles

" Great Latin Ballroom Dance Hairstyle Was The Key To Great Latin Ballroom Dance Performance "

That moment you get so frustrated, when you are ready to dance at the Latin Ballroom Dance Competition, and your hair was not cooperating ! Well, here are the 10 things you need to know about, for the great Latin Ballroom Dance Hairstyle.

" How You Prepare May Determine How You Look "
  1. Plan, practice and prepare to avoid mistake before they happen
  • If you are doing with your own hair, practice, practice and practice
  • Also make sure that you pay attention to the top of your head, not just the front back and side. TRUST ME, check your choreography and you will understand why.
  • If you plan to get your manicure before doing your hair, get thin plastic glove for your hands to protect your nails from hairspray, or you will lose some shine and polish. 
2. Prepare your hair before 1 or 2 days before by leaving it alone
  • Styling was easier when hair was slightly oily. Do not wash your hair for one days or two before you get your style done.
  • Most important that you did not used hairspray, mousse, gel or wax in those 1 or 2 days. The hair should have natural oil, not a build- up of stiffening styling product. You can used conditioner that you rinse out. Leave- in- conditioner is OK if your hair was dry. Anything else will make your hair more brittle and dull, which was not a great starting point. 
  • If you cannot live without the stiffening products I mentioned, rinse your hair with conditioner and water only, but no shampoo before you have your Latin ballroom dance style done. 
3. Brush, comb, smooth, spray and the to do it again to prepare your hair before you style
  • The foundation of every style was smooth hair that goes in one direction. Use a boar hair brush for shine and then a fine tooth comb. 
  • Brush and comb at least 3 times as much as you think was necessary, and used a bit of hairspray or water on your hands to help any fly away hairs to lie flat and stick to the rest. 
  • Unless your hair and your hairstyle was very short, you will then likely need to secure the hair with one or more hair elastic in one or more pony tail sections. Pull the pony tails as tight as you can to your scalp without being uncomfortable. 
To Be Continue... 

How To Make Our Own Latin Dance Dresses?

A Latin Dance dress, typically intended for a Latin Ballroom class, performance and competition, was visually appealing as well as comfortable and practical. The range of movement should never be hindered by a dance costume, so beware of dresses that are too long or tight as this could restrict the ability to perform dances to the fullest. The classic Latin Ballroom style, such as the tango, mambo, salsa and samba are known for risque and sexy costumes. Design the dress to be visually stunning and equipped to avoid any wardrobe malfunctions.

Materials That We Need For Latin Dance Dresses
- Scissors- Needle and Thread or sewing machine- Laces- Sequins- Fringes- Feathers- Silk Flower- Pins-


  • Choose a dress pattern from the knee length and the form fitting 
  • Cut 2 slits in front of the skirt and two in the back. The slits should reach to the upper thigh of the wearer.
  • Sew fringes, feathers or row of sequins to the side of the strips and between them. The skirt will flair out when the dancer spins, and the added glitz will catch the light to highligt a move as well as add some Latin flavor to the ensemble. 
  • Design a deep necklines on the dress by cutting a plunging " V " shape. Lines the edge of necklines with a strip of sequins. Add a piece of lace underneath the " V " to cover the bust with a sensual touch if desired. 
  • Sew a layer of fringe or sequins around the edge of the end of the sleeve. This will help accent arm movements. 
  • Lastly pin a silk flower below the shoulder and alongside the necklines of the dress. Pin another flower to the hip of the dress. 
Example Of The Design For Latin Dance Dresses


Tuesday 28 July 2015

About Ballroom

Ballroom was a couple dance where couples moved to the music using steps- patterns and rhythms that match the character of the given song. There are 2 main types of ballroom dance. The first, reffered to as the Smooth/ Ballroom style of dance, are flowing dance that moving around the entire dance floor in a counter- clockwise fashion. The couple was consantly dance on the dance floor, smoothly transistioning from pattern to pattern. Examples are Foxtrot, Waltz, Tango, Viennese Waltz and Qiucksteps.

Foxtrot Ballroom Dance

Waltz Ballroom Dance

Tango Ballroom Dance

Vienese Waltz Ballroom Dance

Quicksteps Ballroom Dance

By Felicia

Saturday 25 July 2015

Latin Dance

International Latin Dance actually have Cha Cha Cha, Jive, Rumba and Samba.

Cha Cha was a energetic and sassy dance which danced to authentic Latin music or Latin POP and it was an offshoot of the Mambo.

Cha Cha Dance

Rumba was know as the " dance of  love ", dance to romantic, Latin love songs. It was fun and quite easy to learn. 

Jive was a variation of Jitterbug. Jive consists of dance steps derived from country dancing. 

Samba was an often difficult to master and the Samba was a lively Brazilian dance consisting of many jumps and turns. The Samba was an extremely fast dance. 

By Felicia